Anal Dysplasia Screening Guidelines

Anal cancer incidence has been increasing for several years and disproportionality impacts people living with HIV; people with a history of cancer of the cervix, vagina, or vulva; people who have receptive anal intercourse or play with multiple partners; and people who have chronic HPV. The screening, early detection, and treatment of anal dysplasia and anal cancer has the potential to significantly improve morbidity and mortality as early detection can facilitate a cure. In response to this, Howard Brown has developed screening guidelines as a tool to identify patients who are more likely to benefit from anal dysplasia screening using the best available evidence.

Health Centered Fall 2019

The Fall 2019 edition of Health Centered is available now. This edition features information about “U=U,” an easy way to remember that undetectable means untransmittable.
The newsletter also features Howard Brown’s Youth Hormone Program and highlights our provider Dominique Murray in our Provider Spotlight. You can find out information about our clinics and much more in the latest issue. Pick up a copy of our newsletter at any one of our locations.

Health Centered Winter 2018-2019

The winter 2018 – 2019 edition of Health Centered is available now. Get a copy to learn about programs and events happening at Howard Brown Health. This edition features information about our free legal clinic, which is available to any of our patients three days a week at select Howard Brown locations. You can find out more information about our clinic and much more in the latest issue. Pick up a copy of our newsletter at any one of our locations or read it online.


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