Call for Candidates

Howard Brown Health is calling for candidates for its biannual Board of Directors elections.  Directors give their time and talents to share their unique ideas and skills with Howard Brown staff and, if elected, make an impact on the organization’s governance.

Directors are required to participate in board and committee meetings, provide good governance and oversight, and embrace the Howard Brown mission. 

To achieve greater representation of patient populations and a deeper bench of expertise, the Howard Brown Board of Directors seeks candidates for the Board who reflect one or more of the following priority characteristics:

In all cases, candidates should demonstrate:

Priority consideration will be given to candidates who rely on Howard Brown for primary care, including diverse socioeconomic status patients, and those who have a record of support for the organization.

Please see a summary of Board membership requirements below. We are currently in the process of screening interested individuals and if this sounds like something you might want to try, please take a few minutes to fill out our application.

Please email with any questions.

Board Service Expectations

Members of the Howard Brown Board of Directors assume broad fiduciary and governance responsibilities for the institution. Service on the Board demands at least 8-10 hours per month, charitable giving, and ongoing contributions of ideas, opinions, skills, and spheres of influence. The performance of each Board member is evaluated at least annually against the requirements below. Howard Brown Board members are expected to lead with Feet, Head, and Heart:

Feet – Participate Regularly & Fully

Head – Provide Good Governance & Oversight with Informed Decision-Making

Heart – Embrace and Express the Mission


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