Make Your Voice Heard!

The V.O.I.C.E.S. Project is a program for trans and gender non-conforming young folks between the ages 12 and 29. V.O.I.C.E.S stands for Values, Opportunities, Independence/Initiative, Collaboration, Empowerment through Education, and Success. This project aims to improve the quality of life for young people through HIV and STI screening, CDC-proven interventions, TGNC-specific safe spaces, leadership building, and resource advocacy.
Our Services
We have a comprehensive screening program which includes HIV/STI screening, Couples Testing, Personal Cognitive Counseling, and Social Networks Testing.
Community Promise is a community-level intervention geared to promote consistent HIV prevention practices through community mobilization and distribution of small-media materials and risk reduction supplies.
Trans Youth Resource Advocacy is a weekly, safe-space drop-in for trans and gender non-conforming youth between the ages of 12 and 24. Here young people get life-skills training, discussions around healthy relationships, and appreciation for being trans or gender nonconforming.
Transgender Women Involved in Strategies for Transformation is a social-skills building and educational intervention for adult transgender women ages 18-29 living with HIV.
Did you know?
Compared to their cisgender peers and older transgender people, young transgender people are more vulnerable to HIV.
Get Involved
For more information on our program please contact or 773.388.1600 ext. 1060
This project is a collaboration between Broadway Youth Center, Lurie Children’s Hospital, and The University of Chicago Medical Center.