Remembering Román Buenrostro

Howard Brown Health honors the legacy of Román Buenrostro, who dedicated his life and work to helping others. It was only fitting when his husband, Dan Skelton, created a peer-to-peer fundraiser to honor Roman’s memory.  Dan has a $100,000 goal to name a space at the new Howard Brown Halsted Clinic in honor of Román Buenrostro.

Thank you for joining me in memorializing my dear Román, an LGBTQ+ and HIV/AIDS activist who dedicated his life to transforming lives of people with and vulnerable to HIV in our community. Your gift makes Howard Brown’s patient care possible.

Daniel Skelton
Román Buenrostro

Román and Dan met at Little Jim’s Tavern on Halsted Street and Cornelia Avenue, which happens to be the planned location of the new Howard Brown Halsted Clinic.  The five-story, 71,000-square-foot health clinic will provide primary and specialty care for everyone including patients living with HIV/AIDS.

Román and Daniel

We thank you for your consideration, and if you want to make a gift in Román’s memory, please feel free to donate here. 


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