Howard Brown Health bids farewell to Imani Rupert, Director of Broadway Youth Center
Imani Rupert named Executive Director of Affinity Community Services
(Chicago, IL January 11, 2016) – At the end of January, Howard Brown Health will bid farewell to Imani Rupert, director of its Broadway Youth Center (BYC) and an integral member of Howard Brown’s Senior Leadership Team. Imani leaves Howard Brown to continue her career as Executive Director for Affinity Community Services. In response, David Ernesto Munar, President and CEO of Howard Brown Health, released the following statement:
“Imani began her career at Howard Brown Health serving as a social work extern for BYC from September 2012-June 2013. In December of 2013, she accepted the position of Director of Broadway Youth Center, and handled the opportunity with grace and determination to make a difference. She accomplished many things as director of BYC, helping expand the array of vital services for LGBTQ youth, worked to obtain a special-use permit ensuring continuity of care without interruption, greatly improved BYC’s relationship with area residents, and engaged more donors to maximize BYC’s budget. Her many talents will help further Affinity Community Services’ mission and will undoubtedly enhance its stellar work in Chicago.”
Media inquiries:
Erik Roldan
Communications Manager, Howard Brown Health
(desk) 773.388.8661 / (cell) 312.206.2167 /